clƔsica san sebastian

Where to see the ClƔsica San SebastiƔn 2023

DĆ³nde ver la ClĆ”sica San SebastiĆ”n 2023

Europe Spain (Live): Belgium (Live): Denmark (Live): Italy (Live): Slovakia (Live): Netherlands (Highlights): Africa & Mena Pan Mena 24 territories (Live): Pan Subsaharan (Live): Americas Pan Latin AmĆ©rica 18 territories: Canada (Live): Colombia (Live): USA (Live): Asia & Oceania Pan Asia & Australia (Live): Japan (Live): New Zeland (Live delayed): You can also follow the […]

Official Presentation of the ClƔsica San SebastiƔn

The official presentation of the ClĆ”sica San SebastiĆ”n took place today 19 July at the San SebastiĆ”n Town Hall. Among those present were Eneko Goia, Mayor of San Sebastian, IƱaki Gabarain, Sports Councillor for Donostia, Bingen Zupiria, Minister of Culture and Linguistic Policy for the Basque Government, Goizane Ɓlvarez, Member of the Basque Parliament for […]